
Thomas L. Waugh


Not Hollywood but Hollywood U.S.A.

Hollywood U.S.A.

Is stark at night and dark at night. Stark dark Hollywood U.S.A.

And being gay here is a problem here a problem that it is no where else although it may also be stark and dark. Stark dark gaiety and being gay and living gay and gay. But not here in Hollywood U.S.A.

Why. Because.

There are too many almost too much who come here. Babes in the woods they would say but at least innocent and sincere and kind and gentle and loving and living. And soon. They realize that no this is nowhere because why because I have no money and no food and it is nowhere. And so so so they make money so so so. And they walk selma or hollywood or cahuenga or wilcox and they do. Or are done. But mostly are done because here is another problem with being gay here in Hollywood U.S.A.

The world here the gay world is divided in two into two. Segments. Active and passive the psychologists say. But male and female more discerning say. He and she the common people say. But what they mean is doing or being done. And this is it simply. Do. Or. Be done.

And this is not really gay or love or living or anything because as a matter of fact the world even the gay world does not happen to be so divided. And that is not all. It shouldn't be because there are those who don't fit and what must they do nothing. They can do nothing because love is more important to them. Although sex is too. But not so. Important.

And that is where the viciousness of Hollywood U.S.A. comes in enters the picture with loud whirring sounds sounds of doing or being done.

And walking into bars one must be careful.

And living in the bars one must be careful.

Because why because playing in the bars can be dangerous and being played with one is stripped of respectability of self one is. When these ones the hard ones hardened in Hollywood U.S.A. start with their playing and play it is dangerous. To those who are not yet hardened. So must be careful they.
